- This event has passed.
Submit a Pot for Woodfiring (+ Results Discussion 14th May)
May 14, 2022 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
£10.00 – £20.00
The Oxford University Kilns anagama wood kiln is a collaborative research project, based around the building and firing of three single-chambered woodfired Japanese kilns located within the University of Oxford’s research woodlands at Wytham.
London Potters members now have a unique opportunity to include their pots in a London Potters special firing in the smallest of the three anagama kilns. Up to 70 London Potters members are invited to submit a bisque pot for London Potters woodfiring (posted and arrive by 2nd May). You will be able to pick up your woodfired pot on the 14th May and attend a woodfiring results discussion at 2:00pm – 3:00pm at the kiln site in Oxford. You are welcome to submit a pot without attending the results discussion and pick up your pot. You can arrange to pick up your pot in West London after the 14th May. Please read the detailed instructions carefully before booking this event. |
Submit your Pot & Woodfiring Results Discussion | |
Time: |
14th May 2022
2:00pm – 3:00pm |
Venue: | University of Oxford, Wytham Woods OX2 8QQ |
Cost: | £20 Members (includes the firing of one pot and the discussion on site)
£22 Non Members (email Events@Londonpotter.com to book) |
Booking Deadline: | 25th April 2022 |
# Tickets: | Maximum 54 |
Enquiries: |
Janet White Email: Events@Londonpotters.com
Event Details
Your ticket includes:
- Pot to be included in the woodfiring: Post to Oxford by 2nd May
- Attendance on the 14th May 2:00pm – 3:00pm for a woodfiring results discussion
- Collect your fired pot
1. Pot for firing
Size, markings, documentation
- You are allocated kiln space of 4.8 inch (width) x 4.8 inch (length) x 8 inch (height)
- The piece must be bisque fired
- NO glazes are allowed in this firing
- Your piece must be clearly marked with your maker’s mark
- Email two photos by the 26th April for EACH pot showing
- (a) the pot
- (b) the makers mark on the pot to LPWoodFiring@gmail.com
- (c) use something to show scale e.g. a 50p coin as part of the photo. This is for cataloguing as pots are often difficult to recognise after firing.
- Please use this naming convention for your files e.g. lastname.1.jpeg and firstname.lastname.2.jpeg
Number of Tickets per Member
- You can now purchase up to 3 tickets
- Please can you ensure you select the right ticket type: 1st Pot is £20. 2nd Pot is £15. 3rd Pot is £10.
Clay Body
For clay body, we could recommend:
- Reduction St Thomas – Dark brown, high iron
- Ashraf Hanna – White body, red flashes
- Svend Bayer – Designed for extended wood firings
Any clay that fires to 1300 will also work as they will not melt.
You will be asked to share the clay type you are using.
The firing of pots which use a clay that does not fire to 1300C will be at the discretion of the course instructor and his expert team.
How to Submit your pot
- Please post your bisque pot to the following address to arrive no later than the 2nd May 2022
FAO Dr Robin Wilson
Oxford Kilns
Conservator’s Office
Sawmill Yard
Wytham Woods
Oxford OX2 8QQ
As an option, you may also arrange to drop off your work in West London. Please email Events@londonpotters.com to make arrangements.
We cannot guarantee
- that your pot will be fired – it is the nature of the klins that until the total load is planned it is not possible to guarantee every single pot will make it in. However every effort will be made to include all 70 of the submitted pots in the firing
- if your pot does not make it into the firing due to special circumstances of the loading (decided by the firing instructor Dr Robin Wilson), we will advise you and refund your ticket price OR including it in a future firing subject to agreement with Dr Wilson
- if your pot does not make it into the firing due to the pot being deemed ‘unsafe’ – e.g. you have glazed it when we ask for an unglazed pot, we will be unable to refund the cost of the ticket
- that your pots will survive the firing – the process is high risk and results can be unpredictable, we will not provide a refund if your pot does not survive the firing
- how the pots will look as a result of the firing
- the position in the kiln your pot will take – this will be decided by the firing team, made up of London Potter members and advised by the instructing team
2. Woodfiring Results Discussion
Date & Time
- 14th May 2022
- Arrival welcome from 11am to see the kiln being unloaded
- Discussion of results and firing between: 2:00pm – 3:00pm
Discussion Address
- The discussion will take place at Wytham Woods, University of Oxford (OX2 8QQ)
- Some free parking is available on site
Other Activities in the Area
- Oxfordshire Arts Week is taking place, you may wish to visit some of the venues
3. Collect your pot
- If you are unable to collect your pot on site in Oxford on the 14th May, we will endeavour to transport it back to London
- The London venue is to be confirmed and arrangements to be made following the 14th May