Path and Inspiration
I worked in Sydney Australia back in 1996-1998, and whilst there I wondered what to do to meet up with people. I decided to do some evening classes one of which was Pottery. I had no art background but thoroughly enjoyed it and decided to carry it on when I returned to the UK. I subsequently attended classes at Richmond and Hilcroft Adult Community College (RHACC) and as they say the rest is history. I take a keen interest in not only the art of pottery but also the science behind it.Process and Practice
I take a keen interest in not only the art of pottery but also the science behind it. I find it fascinating, and frustrating, just how much small changes to the glaze, the firing cycle, the firing atmosphere, and/or the clay can change the look and feel of the final ceramic form. I work primarily as a thrower but enjoy exploring all forms, vessels and processes. It was through all this that I discovered a love for the RAKU firing process as well as other "smoking" processes.