Members in Discipline: Thrown

Annie Cap

Crystalline glazed decorative and functional ceramic art


Functional and decorative pieces

Connie Yang

Functional hobby potter

Tamsin Arrowsmith-Brown

Thrown porcelain functional and decorative pieces

Wardi Sanusi

Sculptural, decorative as well as functional works inspired by natural & textured surfaces.

Taylor Shaw

Hand thrown functional tableware and contemporary decorative pieces.

Katya Metelkina

Functional and decorative wheel thrown pieces in stoneware and porcelain

Paula Traven Sacks

Functional and decorative pieces

Kate Ganly

Handbuilt and thrown functional ceramics.

Jilly Russell

Thrown Porcelain and Open Access Studio Founder

Lucy Burley

Simple forms, smooth surfaces, colourful thrown earthenware

Pam Dodds

Sculptural and sometimes functional

Gill Balfour

Functional and decorative pieces. Some thrown, some hand built stoneware and porcelain.

Lucy Joines

Sculptural and thrown stoneware pieces, finished with a gold lustre.

Jennifer Cobb

Functional and decorative homeware. Wheel thrown and hand altered.

Ania Perkowska

Functional and decorative contemporary ceramics

Kate Kelleher

Functional and Decorative Pieces.

Mary-Clare Goodwin

Functional thrown stoneware & small sculptural pieces. Varied glazing techniques & specialist clays.

Mrs Tracy Evans

Thrown then hand decorated pieces