Members by Area: West London

Losa Lou Ceramics

Contemporary porcelain jewellery. Sculptural wall pieces. Coloured clays and decorative techniques

Ann Hughes

Thrown porcelain

Consuelo Radclyffe

Hand building and throwing ceramics earthenware clay

Joanna Alina

Thrown and Hand built Stoneware

Ferri Farahamandi

Contemporary ceramic sculpture

Janice Gravett

Functional thrown stoneware

Robyn Hardyman

Fine porcelain pieces thrown on the wheel, for decoration and use

Anne Marie Reilly

Mainly decorative pieces both hand built and thrown

sophie durandet ceramics

Functional pieces, Thrown stoneware

Clare Palmer

Sculptures, wall sculptures and sculptural vessels

Jane Elmer-Smith

Thrown and hand built decorative earthenware

Margaret Tatton Brown

Thrown functional stoneware, decorated with slips and underglazes

Carole Coogan

Functional thrown domestic ware. Hand built functional and non functional. Sculptural forms.

Anna Bingham

Sculptural pieces and homewares

JeAnne Stiff

Functional and decorative pieces, thrown, fired in an electric kiln

Ali Tomlin

Thrown porcelain

Srimathy Sriskantharajah

Going where the clay takes me

Sarah Martin

Decorative vases & bowls in porcelain and stone ware. Thrown and slip cast

Giorgio Landon

Hand-built decorative forms and pieces