Members in Discipline: Raku/Smoke

Grace Birkett Kenrick

Functional stoneware pottery

Sapna Shah

Maker of small batch ceramics inspired by nature and celebrating imperfect beauty

Clink Street Ceramics

Wheel-thrown ceramics made in Central London by studio potter James Sims.

Janice Heyes

Thrown functional stoneware made at home in Epsom, Surrey. Developing a range to find my voice

Jane Gibson

Non functional fumed and raku pieces

Fiona McElroy

Hand built and thrown stoneware, both sculptural and functional pieces.

Debbie Page

Sculptural, decorative handbuilt Moon jars

Cathy Butcher

Sculptures of animals

Dr Ronn Beattie

Hand built Ceramic sculpture with glass and/or mixed media

Gioilla Zordan

Functional and decorative pieces, in porcelain, wheelthrown, hand-built, slipcast

Anne Zieler

Thrown and hand-built stoneware

Karl Owen

Decorative Saggar fired vessels

Belinda Murray

Functional and decorative pieces

Morwenna Lake

Raku fired handbuilt stoneware

Alan Carlyon Smith

Sculptural Pieces

Ferri Farahamandi

Contemporary ceramic sculpture

Nicky O’Connor

Sculptural Raku

Carmela Kantorowicz

Decorative Raku pieces, functional stoneware

Violaine Verry

Functional and decorative ceramics

Luyi Brown

Functional thrown pieces