Members by Area: South London

Ben Nicolas

Hand built large sculptural stoneware pieces

Sally Johnson

Hand built vessels, wall pieces, sculptural and figurative forms

Noriko Nagaoka

Wheel Thrown Functional stoneware tableware

Anne Zieler

Thrown and hand-built stoneware

Jean Tolkovsky

Hand built figurative pieces

Jane Wilson

Hand-built vessels and sculpture

Belinda Murray

Functional and decorative pieces

JoJo Rowley

Thrown and handbuilt, functional and decorative porcelain

Talia James

Handbuilt sculptural vessels

John Eric Johnson

Functional & Decorative / Hand Built & Thrown Stoneware

Morwenna Lake

Raku fired handbuilt stoneware

Ann Hughes

Thrown porcelain

Alexandra Barto

Thrown moon jars

Alan Carlyon Smith

Sculptural Pieces

Simon Olley

Freehand illustrated, sgraffito ceramics.

Caroline Nuttall-Smith

Hand built stoneware

Lise Herud Braten

Sculptural and decorative works with highly textured surfaces and natural, organic forms

Richard Dickson

Sculptures and Thrown Forms

Mari Balsama Wilson

Kurinuki Sculptural Japanese Technique and Other Hand Built Traditional Methods

Joanna Alina

Thrown and Hand built Stoneware